This is a little bit of content on the HomePage.
Dear ECAR Member,
Your monthly MLS fee has been invoiced for the current month and posted to your account. There is a link at the bottom of this email that will open a PDF file of the invoice for your records.
Please Note:
If your broker or office normally pays your monthly MLS fee, please disregard this.
If you have already sent a check to ECAR for the current month’s MLS fee, please disregard this.
If you are currently on auto-payment with ECAR, please disregard this.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may call me directly at (850) 275-1071 or email me at
Did you know that you can login to the Member Portal with one click from FlexMLS? While in Flex, click on Menu, under the Products header click Pay Dues and Fees. This takes you directly into your Member Portal without having to enter any additional username/pw.
Don Cornelius
ECAR Accounting Support